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Art & STEM with DCM - Afterschool!
10/22/2024 - 12/17/2024
Arts & STEM with DCM - Afterschool!
Come play like a scientist with DuPage Children’s Museum! Explore the world of science through engineering, art, and math. Engage in hands-on experimentation as you build a mini robot, design your own working roller coaster, make observations of real animal specimens, and more!
Grades: K–4
Dates: Tuesdays, October 22 – December 17 (No program on November 5)
Time: 2:30–3:30pm
Location: Naper Elementary School
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Art & STEM with DCM - Afterschool!
10/22/2024 - 12/17/2024
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Tue 03:30 PM
Child (School Program)
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